Food Magic

Food Magic

The children will learn that the some foods can be eaten in different ways.

Materials: Oranges to taste and to squeeze into juice juicer or something similar small cups heavy whipping cream small jars with a tight fitting lid (baby food jars work well).

Activity: Leave one orange unpeeled and peel the second. Explain to the children that they will eat the same food in two different ways. Ask the children if they know what the fruit is (unpeeled orange). Once they all have guessed, ask about the peeled orange. Then cut the unpeeled orange in half. Place the orange halves on the juicer and have each child take a turn squeezing the orange and tasting the juice. You may need to prepare some extra juice ahead of time to sure each child has a taste. Explain that there are many foods that can be eaten in different ways. Next peel several oranges, section them and pass them to eat.

Message: Eat smart to play hard.  Eat fruits and veggies at meals and snacks.

Extension Activity   

Talk to children about the fact that many foods can be eaten in different ways. We drink milk and also use it to make butter. Pour a small amount of cold heaving whipping cream into the jars, close tightly; you may even add masking tape around the lid. Have children begin shaking the jar. I like to do this activity in a large circle and every other child would have a jar. Then children may shake for some time. When they are tired they may pass the jar to their neighbor to shake. Small lumps of butter will form throughout the cream within about 7 minutes. Pour off buttermilk and continue shaking until butter forms a firm ball. Children taste test the butter on crackers or bread.

Message: Eat smart to play hard.  Eat fruits and veggies at meals and snacks.

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Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating Habits for Kids

  • Have regular family meals.
  • Cook more meals at home.
  • Get kids involved.  Have them help with food prep and grocery shopping.
  • Have a variety of healthy snacks available. 
  • Limit portion sizes.
  • Encourage kids to eat slowly.
  • Discourage eating meals and snacks while watching TV.
  • Try not to use food as a punishment or reward. 


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