Animal Walk

Animal Walk

The child will become active by moving like an animal.

Materials: Animal cards with a set of two or more animals large play area

Activity: Gather children and explain that you will be playing a game. Have children brainstorm a variety of animals. You could limit it to animals that live in the zoo, animals that live on the farm, or animals that live in water. After the children have generated a list, narrow the list and show children the animal pictures you have available. Talk about sounds each animal makes and the way that each animal moves. Have the children demonstrate the way each animal moves. Then pass out pictures of animals to the children. Do not let others see their animal. On the word 'go' have children act like that animal. The children will need to find their partner by watching the way each child is acting. You may play several times, trading animal cards. To make the game easier add the animal sounds. After the activity discuss if the activity was difficult.

Message: Eat smart to play hard.  Eat fruits and veggies at meals and snacks.

Take Home Activity

Animal Charades
: Each person playing will pick an animal and think of a good way to imitate its movements. Each player will take turns acting like that animal. Others will try to guess the animal. This activity can be repeated as many times as you would like. 

Message: Eat smart to play hard.  Eat fruits and veggies at meals and snacks.

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Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy Eating Habits for Kids

  • Have regular family meals.
  • Cook more meals at home.
  • Get kids involved.  Have them help with food prep and grocery shopping.
  • Have a variety of healthy snacks available. 
  • Limit portion sizes.
  • Encourage kids to eat slowly.
  • Discourage eating meals and snacks while watching TV.
  • Try not to use food as a punishment or reward. 


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